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Spot the Difference Between a Mobile Web App and a Native App

by WIMPmaster
Published on: October 7, 2013
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Spot the Difference Between a Mobile Web App and a Native App

People are often confused with the function of a mobile web app and a native app. There are similarities to both options as they can be accessed over the internet via a mobile device. For businesses who want to gain web presence in order to reach a lot of users, the best mobile strategy must be used. The right path to take usually depends on your business requirements and plan of action. Whatever your level of need, it is important to know and understand the full features of these applications so it can best serve your business intent. To get started, let us define each term and attached functions to help you decide which one is right for you.

Mobile web app is one of the two types of mobile applications that perform specific tasks for the users. It is available within the server and can be accessed using the internet. This application is built using programming languages including HTML, CSS and some interactive parts of Java. The cutting edge technology provides an attractive alternative to the App Store since it is basically web based so it is compatible across all platforms to deliver the right content to a large mobile audience. No need to wait for approval from the App Store when downloading or making updates as the web is an open channel. With the latest version of the HTML language being used, you can also work offline just like the native apps. Updates are made through the web server without the need for user’s intervention.

A native app is a software application that comes per-installed on mobile devices or can be downloaded from app stores online for a fee. The language used is written specifically for a particular handheld device so you can’t run it on a different platform. The code must be adjusted to meet the specific requirements of such mobile devices like iPhone, Android, Blackberry and many more. Because this application is already installed or downloaded on your mobile phones, you can access them anytime even without internet connectivity. When it comes to updates, users must manually install and download the latest version so it adapts to their current requirements.

Whatever mobile strategy you want to create for your business, both applications offer many benefits. Your choice depends on your business goal, technical requirements and targeted audience. For those who are looking for a cost effective platform, mobile web apps work well on your mobile website and ensure the best user experience for your clients. The application renders accurately on smaller screens of all mobile devices so you don’t need to develop more codes to function for each phone. It offers a long term solution for your business needs, thus, giving more value to your investment. As more and more people purchase smartphones and access the mobile web, reaching a large number of potential users will help drive sales for you business. Now that you have spot the difference between a mobile web app and a native app, the choice is yours.

About the Author

Start your own mobile marketing business. Have your own mobile web app with brick&mobile cms system.


Getting the Best ROI from Your Tradeshow

by WIMPmaster
Published on: September 4, 2013
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Getting the Best ROI from Your Tradeshow

I hear it all the time: Tradeshows are a waste of time and money. We stand around, selling our hearts out, and what do we have to show at the end of the day? Nothing.
Well, that’s the result you should expect, if you’re like most exhibitors, and neglect the most crucial aspect of tradeshow participation: Follow Up.

What happens at the tradeshow is obviously import to your success, but equally important is what happens after the show ends. This is where most exhibitors drop the ball. Differentiate your company from its peers and wring the full value from your tradeshow participation. To truly benefit from all the hard work what went into exhibiting, must ensure that appropriate follow-up activities take place.

Follow Up Begins Before the Show

Research tells us that over 80% of leads gathered at tradeshows are never followed up. That’s a phenomenal number, especially when each lead has the potential to generate profit for your company.

Why do so many leads fall by the wayside?

It’s because show leads have a reputation for having no substance – they’re either just cold business cards or similar basic information imprinted on a company lead card. There’s nothing there to give already busy professionals a reason to follow up.
Even if the salespeople do follow up, there’s only so much they can learn from a business card or bare bone information. For salespeople to view leads as being worthwhile for follow-up, they need quality information.
For this reason, it is vital that before the show you spend time going over the lead collecting process. Clarify exactly what types of information should be recorded on lead cards. Explain the importance of the information you are gathering. Make sure everyone knows exactly how to operate the card readers and use the printouts and lead cards.
Everyone working the show should know exactly what results you want to achieve at the various tradeshows you attend. Each show should have its own set of specific, clear, quantifiable, realistic goals. These goals should be in line with your company’s overall marketing objectives.
These goals give staffers something to strive for, but they also serve as benchmarks to evaluate and measure team and individual performance.

Develop a Follow Up System

To achieve and perhaps surpass your specific goals, you need a follow up system. The best time to develop your follow up system is during the planning and training stage.
Use this time prior to the show establish how the leads will be handled. For example, select a team member to take responsibility for collecting all “hot” leads at the end of each day and overnight them to the home office for immediate processing. Assign someone at the home office as a “follow-up” manager. This person takes charge of the entire follow-up process and should be someone who does not attend the show. Their job is to carry out the follow-up system that was established before the show.
Timeliness is of essence with all leads, not just the “hot” ones. Obviously you’re not going to overnight every single lead back to the home office, but there are steps you can take to ensure you stand out from the crowd of exhibitors.
It is important to send something, such as a letter, email, or broadcast fax, to everyone who came by the booth to thank them and let them know when they can expect to hear from your company again. This should be done within three to five days after the show. Remember, if you don’t follow up, your competitors will.

The Next Step: Accountability

Use contact management database programs to ensure your sales staff get leads that are as complete and useful as possible. Then, after leads are distributed, hold your account representatives responsible for the results.
There should be a written progress report from each salesperson at regular, predetermined intervals. This information can be used to track their performance, sales made, etc.
Some companies use performance in lead follow up as one factor in a salesperson’s annual performance review. Knowing that they will be held accountable for results is a powerful motivator.

Measuring Results

At the end of the day, management wants to know their money was well spent. Keeping track of your leads will allow you to measure sales directly attributable to your tradeshow participation. Recording this data will allow you to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of the show.
For example, you can calculate the return-on-investment to demonstrate to management the effect tradeshows have on the bottom line. To measure the cost per tradeshow lead, simply divide your total show expenditure by the number of leads gathered. To measure the cost per sale, divide the total show expenditure by the number of sales.
Qualitative data, such as types of prospects who visited the booth, dates and times of their visit, products/services of interest, buying intent, and results of any pre-show promotional activity often proves invaluable when planning future show participation.

The key to tradeshow success is wrapped up in the lead management process. It starts with knowing at the outset what you want to achieve, then continues through establishing a strategy that is user-friendly, and finally the actual follow-up operation leads to bottom-line profitability. With a little forethought and planning the results will speak for themselves.

About the Author

Read about dwarf weeping cherry and weeping crabapple at the Weeping Trees website.

The Big Three Areas of Your Online Business Presence

by WIMPmaster
Published on: August 6, 2013
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The Big Three Areas of Your Online Business Presence

For many business owners having an online business presence can be overwhelming. It seems like there are so many components to have and areas to consider. There are even experts to help you navigate the ins and outs of keeping your online customers happy. Whether you have a complete online store or just an informational website to lead customers to your offline resources, there are three major components of your online presence that must be addressed to make it worth your while.

While there are thousands of ways to make online marketing complicated, there are some must-haves that every business needs to be considered an online presence. Without these all of these components you are missing a major piece of your marketing plan for your online presence.


First and most importantly, you must have a website. It doesn’t matter if you are an online retailer or a landscaper, having a website is an absolute must. Your website may simply be a way for people to find out what you do and how to contact you. There is nothing wrong with that. But the modern marketing model is incomplete without a website because so many consumers turn to the World Wide Web for their information these days. If you sell products that can be sold online, you should consider having an online store to give your customers the added convenience of shopping from your website. Whatever the function of your website is, there is no question that you should have a professional website.

Search Engines

Second, you must use search engine optimization techniques to get the most out of your online presence. Not too long ago all you had to do was throw a few keywords into the content on your website to have a site that was search engine optimized. But like so many things in life, the SEO world is constantly changing. You can get lots of great tips online about how to make your website easy to find for visitors. Depending on how much competition you have online and off, you may want to hire a professional to get your website fully optimized so that you are consistently showing up at the top of search engine results.

Social Media

Finally, using social media is no longer an optional marketing technique for the modern business. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, you need to have at least a moderate social media presence. This is the easiest way to keep your company and what is happening at the forefront of your customers’ minds. Utilizing a variety of social media outlets and techniques can give you a huge advantage in any industry.

Whatever your goals are for your online presence, these three components are absolute essentials. When you effectively use them you will see a dramatic difference in your marketing efforts. Driving all of your marketing toward your website can be a cost effective way to give people the information they need about you all in one place.

About the Author

For more information about Accountants in Melbourne and Grow my Profits please visit our website

The Importance of Working on Your Business, Not Just In It

by WIMPmaster
Published on: July 11, 2013
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The Importance of Working on Your Business, Not Just In It

When you start a business you always have an ideal in mind that you are reaching for. You think about the glorious future when you will be able to sit back with your feet up and delegate all responsibility, sitting back to manage everything and relax. Yet somehow it never quite works out that way – or at least not in the time frame you had in mind.

Five years, ten years, fifteen years after startup if you find yourself still working hard at making ends meet in your business it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate. Some people start a business in a particular field because they enjoy that industry, others because they think it will be a profitable field and still others find themselves inheriting a business in a field they know nothing about. Any of these situations can be profitable with the right attitude and plan.

The biggest mistake that many business owners make, no matter how long they have been in business, is working too hard in their business and not on their business. There may be times especially during the early phases of a startup when the owner must work hard to get the business off the ground. However, the ultimate goal and responsibility of every business owner is to be the puppet master working to keep everything going.

Without someone to manage the overall productivity, profit margins and strategies that the business puts in place, it is hard to reach the ultimate level of success. In fact, without delegating responsibility and taking time to work on your business, you may never be able to retire. That aside, your business will not be as successful as it could be without regular maintenance, and when the business owner is too busy working in the business to work on it there is no one to maintain the company.

When you have been working for so long it can be difficult to relinquish control, but it is in the best interest of your company and your sanity for you to do so. If you aren’t fully ready to start delegating work to others, then think of it as a trial period. Set an amount of time that you are willing to relinquish control of daily job responsibilities to your employees so that you can focus on improving the business overall and managing everything. You may be surprised by just how much more efficient your business is.

Take a step back and really evaluate what happens when you give your employees more responsibility. When you take the time to figure out what works best for your business, it can catapult your results to the next level. Being open minded about how you do business and willing to delegate some responsibility can change your productivity, profits and your overall quality of life.

About the Author

For more information about Accountants for Coffee Shops and Accountants in Melbourne please visit our website

How and Why to Develop Your Company Profile on LinkedIn

by WIMPmaster
Published on: July 3, 2013
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How and Why to Develop Your Company Profile on LinkedIn

LinkedIn may not be as familiar as Facebook and Twitter when it comes to social networking, but it is arguably the most important social website for businesses.

LinkedIn is dedicated exclusively to B2B operations, as opposed to Facebook and Twitter which, although they have a business aspect, are more focused on personal social networking.

Why set up a profile on LinkedIn?

Setting up a profile on this site may mean that you are able to:

  • meet target customers and useful business contacts;
  • organise meetings with other users;
  • follow up with contacts after meeting them at industry events;
  • share your useful content and increase the reach of your online presence.

For these reasons it may be very worthwhile considering setting up a company profile on LinkedIn and experimenting further with the site.

But how to get started?

A simple process

LinkedIn allows companies to set up a Company Page, and you may find that this is quite similar to a Facebook Page.

In the same way as a Facebook Page, there is not a huge amount that you are able to do with the design, so you may not need to call on your web design company in the same way that you did with your website.

Instead, the focus is almost exclusively on the content of your Company Page and the information that you choose to add to it.

A few things to keep in mind include:

  • this profile is the first thing that other users of LinkedIn see, so you want to make sure that you make a good impression;
  •  search users may also find your profile, meaning optimising it for the most suitable keywords is an important consideration;
  • although the basic set up is simple, you may want to spend some time making sure that your profile truly reflects your brand and that you distinguish it from the others.

The actual process of setting up your page is designed so that even those without any technical knowledge will not have too many problems. The wizard guides you through the process, and in a matter of minutes you may have your profile running smoothly.

Additional features

As well as adding some basic information about your company, such as what you do, your principles, how you may help, your contact details, and company logo, there are some other ways to make sure that your profile stands out. These include:

  • Answers, which is where you are able to not only post answers but answer questions posted by other users. This is a great way to instantly demonstrate your expertise and win respect and trust;
  •   Groups, which is a great way to make contact with similar businesses and professionals and become a more active member of the community.

Start up your business profile

The only way to decide whether LinkedIn is a suitable platform for you is to start up your own company profile and experiment with it. The process is simple, so give it a go and you may even find that it becomes your most important social network.

About the Author

Richard is Marketing Director of CSI Media – Established website design company offering creative and bespoke design, development and marketing strategies through the medium of websites, mobile applications, travel technology and ecommerce solutions.


Getting Referrals from Your Customers

by WIMPmaster
Published on: June 6, 2013
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Getting Referrals from Your Customers

First, getting referrals is as easy or as difficult as you make it. The main reason most sales people are not good at getting referrals is simply because they do not ask or do not ask with conviction. Asking a prospective customer or a customer for the names and contact information for a few of their friends or associates is really not a big issue. Think of it this way:

If you were sitting at the dining room table with Mr. and Mrs. Prospect and their next-door neighbor walked in the home, do you think Mr. and Mrs. Prospect would introduce you to the neighbor and tell the neighbor what you do for a living? Of course, they would. Well asking for referrals is nothing more than this. It is nothing more than asking for an introduction. That’s all: just a simple introduction.

Second, for some reason most sales people believe there is only one appropriate time to ask for referrals. Most feel that the only time to ask for referrals is after the close of a successful sale in where the prospect bought the product. Other more astute sales people will also ask for referrals after the close from a no-sale visit, but still this is not enough. There are plenty of other opportunities to ask for referrals. First let’s look at a few referrals tips and then examine all of the additional opportunities to get referrals.


1. Help people give you referrals: Often people have a hard time coming up with names of people they believe are appropriate to introduce you to. You need to HELP them. Make suggestions on where they can find names: their cell phone, telephone book, appointment book, church members, club members, association members, bowling team, sports and recreation partners, dentist, doctor, school personnel, etc. You should have a ready list to supply people to help them think of referrals for you.

2. People NOT Prospects: Often people will begin to try to think of referrals of those who may be buyers or at least good prospects for you. You must stress that this is not the idea. One way to explain it is that referrals are a method to advertise and with advertising you do not think about who will buy or who will not. You job is just to get the message to many people. Let the customer know that it is never a waste of your time to talk about your product. You just need people.

3. Controls Costs: Let the customer know that this form of advertising helps your company and others keep costs low. Let them know that word-of-mouth is an integral part of how you work. It is how your company operates.

Many Opportunities

There are many opportunities to ask for referrals. Choose just three and use them consistently and you will have more referrals than you can handle!

Prospecting – When making cold or warm calls to set appointments what do you do when a prospect refuses an appointment? These are people to ask for referrals. Just because the person does not wish to accept an appointment, does not mean he or she will not direct you to others who will. If you are professional on the telephone, ask people whom you do not set appointments with for referrals of who you may call.

Setting the appointment – After you set an appointment, depending on what you sell, could be a good time to ask for a referral: especially if you are going to travel to an area that is out of the way. Ask the person if they know of someone else you might be able to visit while you are in the area.

The Warm-Up – Before you begin your sales presentation and you are warming up and getting to know the prospect, is a perfect time to ask for referrals. If you are smart, you can build this into your warm up talk. As you ask about friends, relatives and associates, you can easily led to asking to meet those people.

During the Presentation – Depending on your product, you will have several opportunities during your presentation to make a connection to associates of the customer. Short periods of dead air are good times. For instance, when you have to calculate something or construct an offer. During that dead time, ask the product to fill out a referral form.

Closing – Closing the sale presents an excellent opportunity to ask for referrals, even before you get the answer. Also, you can use referrals as a great incentive to offer the customer extra benefits or a lower price. If your selling process includes a price drop, use the discount to buy the referrals.

After the Sale or No Sale – If the prospect bought-it is a good time to ask for referrals. However, if they did not buy, this is also a good time.

Product Delivery – Right after you deliver your new product or set up the new program or install the new software is a perfect time to ask for referrals. Your customer is happy and excited. Take advantage of this timing.

Customer Service Calls – Your customer had a problem that your company solved exactly in the manner that you said you would; you provided excellent customer service-this has to be one of the best times to get referrals.

Continuing Relationship – You can always call customers and ask for a referral. There really are no rules.

About the Author

Find tips about gecko food and gecko habitat at the Types Of Geckos website.

How To Build Consumer Trust Through Social Media

by WIMPmaster
Published on: February 28, 2013
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How To Build Consumer Trust Through Social Media

If you are a small business owner then you are tasked with the responsibility to establish a loyal customer base through building consumer trust. You may assume that because you are an honest and hardworking business owner that customers will automatically flock to you and support your business. However, building consumer trust is a tricky business that requires patience, hard work, and lots of advertising. Here are a few ways that social media can help you to build consumer trust and as a result attract more business.

1. Familiarity

Imagine that you are walking down the road and some strange man approaches you with a cookie. He offers it to you and tells you that it is the best cookie around – way better than anyone else’s cookies. Would you trust him and take the cookie from him? Probably not, because you know nothing about him and you have no idea whether or not he is trustworthy. However, if your mother offered you that same cookie and made those same statements, you would probably trust her because you are familiar with her and know that she wouldn’t do anything to harm you (hopefully!).

Similarly, a customer is more likely to trust a familiar brand name than a brand name that they have never heard of before. That is why it is so important for you to make a name for yourself and gain exposure for your brand. One great way to do this is through the use of social media because it can spread like wildfire. If you advertise via popular social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, people will inevitably grow more familiar with your brand name and will likely trust your products as a result.

2. Implement Customer Loyalty

Once customers become familiar with your brand name, they might need some extra incentive to purchase from your company instead of purchasing from one of your competitors. An excellent incentive is a customer loyalty platform that rewards faithful customers and encourages them to stay loyal to your company. Not only will a customer loyalty account reward your customers for their continued support, but it will also make them feel like they are an intimate part of your business family. Be sure to advertise your customer loyalty rewards via social media sites.

3. Provide Prompt And Reliable Customer Service

Customers love to feel that they can contact a company at any time and receive prompt and reliable customer service. If your customers know that they can reach you through various social media sites, they will be more likely to feel important and their trust in your company will grow. If your company ever receives a negative comment via social media, make sure you address the comment apologetically and quickly so that those who read the negative comment will also see your positive response. Let the customer know that you are dedicated to resolving their problem and that you are determined not to let the matter go until they are completely satisfied. You will most likely be able to appease the upset customer while simultaneously showing other potential customers how attentive you are to their every concern.


To summarize, if you want to build your customer base and establish consumer trust in your business, make sure that you utilize social media to make your brand name more familiar, implement customer loyalty incentives, and provide prompt and reliable customer service.

About the Author

If you are looking to implement a loyalty platform that rewards your customers, visit us today.

The Top Most Successful Network Marketing Tips

by WIMPmaster
Published on: February 28, 2013
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The Top Most Successful Network Marketing Tips

TIP! Take the time to find prospecting leads. Good leads are the best way to generate new revenue.

Yet, with a little knowledge, you’ll see that network marketing is not that hard. You will find your network marketing efforts more rewarding if you try out some of the tips below.

TIP! Visualizing your goals is very important in network marketing. This might sound like very general advice, but this is actually the starting point of a good campaign.

It’s always a good idea to consult with consumer watchdogs entities prior to making any commitment. While many companies are legitimate, there is a fair share of bad ones too. Before making a commitment, check to ensure that it is the right company for your needs. Check things out with a company, like the BBB, who has reviews of other companies.

TIP! In there is one thing that never fails to draw people in, it is a great deal! When deciding which network marketing company to work with, find one that offers coupons that you can use as part of your marketing strategy. There are several marketing strategies you can use that involve coupons.

Determine which people are going to be interested in hearing about your products. Be enthusiastic about what you are selling in order to create a buzz that your clients will pass on to their own network of people. You should also consider a person’s network when deciding how much time you want to spend marketing to them. If someone has a small network and has no intention of purchasing from you, your time would be better spent elsewhere.

TIP! Get outside the box and be all-inclusive when you create network marketing content to deliver via your website, seminars or ebooks. You must be able to cover all relevant topics and concerns.

You should hold regular team meetings. When everyone bonds together to help one another, it is easier to develop team plans and focus on a common goal. Your entire team will benefit from these meetings!

TIP! Deal with network marketing as you would with any business. Failure is, unfortunately, a common occurrence.

There are lots of people out there who are eager to share their experiences and knowledge about MLM. Podcasts are a wonderful way to do this now. Listen to different ones to find the best one available.

TIP! Know what you intentions are. Is network marketing going to be just a hobby for you? No matter what endeavor you embark upon, it is best to know what you hope to achieve.

Do not let your mistakes keep you down, learn from them and move on. It is crucial to admit to your failures and understand how to correct them. When you study what doesn’t work, you know what to eliminate and can place more emphasis on things that do work.

TIP! Trying to cut corners when network marketing will likely lead to negative consequences. Put in the necessary time and effort to build a profitable marketing campaign.

Be a leader in your multilevel marketing activities. Brainstorm and come up with new ideas for your company. Doing things correctly should bring you more traffic, but it can also give your competitors reasons to want to mimic you. However, you should not imitate anyone else. Take the extra step of creating your very own multi-level marketing niche.

Multilevel Marketing

TIP! Try organizing your website as a teaching resource. Providing a tutorial on your site can keep your visitors on longer, which will increase your chances of maximizing your marketing capabilities.

You constantly need to learn in order to expand your multilevel marketing business. Be sure to do research and stay up to date on multilevel marketing, general business and social media, as well as the latest trends in your specific field. Attending webinars that are held by successful MLM professionals, that come from your company or others, could teach you a lot. Becoming more knowledgeable will not only increase your own success, but also the success of those around you as you become a valuable resource.

Don’t waste your own time. It is only too easy to get distracted when working online. Work within a timetable and attempt to remain fixed on your task.

TIP! It is helpful to follow a certain routine when preparing to work. Grooming and dressing for a work environment will create a productive mindset for you.

Email databases are the best ways to be successful with network marketing. If you have an extensive e-mail list, your business will grow quickly. Consider either purchasing this data or building it yourself.

TIP! Sit down and set up a monthly budget to stick to. A budget is very important when developing a network marketing campaign.

With any luck, you can feel more confident about future marketing endeavors. Just remember that multi-level marketing is a subject that the more you learn about, the easier it is to understand what to do, and from there, success should follow.

Are you looking for a solid strategy to build your network marketing business but you’re sick and tired of hype, scams, and online programs that don’t work? If so, get the network marketing strategy that will show you how to get 100s of leads monthly, and make upwards of $1,625 daily all without ever having to pick up the phone!

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It’s A New Year…Are You Ready?

by WIMPmaster
Published on: January 3, 2013
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It’s A New Year…Are You Ready?

I love this time of year. We feel a sense of renewal and excitement about starting the New Year off with a bang. We let ourselves think about possibilities and push some of the realities of our lives to the background.

Unfortunately this usually wears off when we get hit with our first challenge, then the next and before we know it, we’re off track and we’ve lost that feeling of hope.

Let me ask you a few questions to see how ready you are for the new year.

Do you have a formal plan in place to increase your sales?

Do you budget your marketing based on what you have left over at the end of the month after you’ve paid your other bills or do you have a plan with specific goals you want to achieve?

Do you find that you spend a lot of time each month meeting with and talking to media sales reps?

Do you find you are guessing most of the time when you choose what to spend your marketing dollars on?

Taking the time to develop a real marketing plan is the best way to keep your business focused and on target, helping you keep that sense of renewal all year long.

As busy entrepreneurs, many of us have too much on our plates and we get caught up with putting out daily fires. Having a common sense marketing plan in place will allow you to stay focused and avoid what I call “try it” marketing where you keep bouncing from one idea to another, from one media to another, from one ad to another.

We live in the most over communicated society. Everyday each one of us has hundreds and hundreds of messages vying for our attention. Look around you, billboards, radio, TV, internet, all trying to get us to listen to their message.

It takes a tremendous amount of skill, time and effort to get a marketing program right. So every time you start and stop, you’re killing any momentum you’ve created.

I like to use the analogy of pushing a car that’s at a stand still. If you are on level ground, and you push hard enough, you can start to get the car rocking a bit, then as you keep applying pressure, the car slowly starts to move forward. As you keep pushing the car begins to pick up a little speed, and after a little while you can keep the car moving forward, but you don’t have to use as much energy as you did to get it started.

Your marketing program is exactly the same way. It takes time, and effort to get it moving forward, but after some time, it builds momentum. Every time you stop because you think it’s not working, your program (just like the car) comes to a stop and you lose all the momentum and must start over.

Every one of the dozens of small business owners I’ve worked with has told me the same three things:
1. I don’t know where to start
2. I don’t have the time
3. I don’t know how much to spend

Developing a marketing plan will help you stop guessing and be able to:

• Know what you want to be known for
• Identify who you need to target
• Determine what you will say to your target
• Determine how you will get your message to your target
• Determine how much you need to spend and how you will measure the results

The best part is you don’t have to have all the answers. Just like the people who come to you for your expertise, you can find outside help.

Investing in a marketing plan could be the best money you ever spend on your business.

About the Author

Larry Anderson is President of Trigger Marketing Works; they specialize in helping small businesses increase their sales. Visit and sign up for their free monthly marketing tips newsletter, plus a free copy of their eBook “10 biggest mistakes small businesses make and what to do about it.”

Holiday Marketing Ideas – Double Your ROI this Christmas and New Year

by WIMPmaster
Published on: November 27, 2012
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Holiday Marketing Ideas – Double Your ROI this Christmas and New Year

Every one of us does like to enjoy Christmas and the New Year. And whatever businesses you have, you would like to generate some extra revenue. But have you ever thought something special – yes about some holiday marketing ideas? If you can have some special plan then you can stand a chance of making your ROI double. Now you have to admit that return can be maximized or doubled when the investment is done in a proper way. So if you want to double your Return on investment (ROI) this holiday season, you have to take some specific strategies on marketing.

Now let us have a look on just a few holidays marketing ideas that may certainly help you maximized ROI:


    • Give your web presence a modification: The first thing you should do for this holiday season is to modify your website and every other web presence for the coming season. Just spending a few bucks you can modify or re design your website or blog. This modification is going to attract the users or the visitors to your site and its offering this season. Whatever is your new product or the services has to come in the notice. It is one of the primary and effective holiday marketing ideas. More over it is not going to cost you too high!


    • Specialty (product/services) of the season: Whatever is your game plan in this festive season, you have to have something special. People would like to know what the specialty from your end is. So among other holiday marketing ideas one should be creating seasonal product or the service. It will give your business a distinct identity while people would have a tendency of testing the new!


    • Contests & discounts: No matter what is the season (Christmas and the New Year for sure) people do look for the discounts and love to participate in the contests. So if you want to find a one of the most effective holiday marketing ideas, you got to go for discounts and several contests. While you are running the contests people would like to participate and spend time on your site. At this moment you can show them your products or service laden with heavy discounts to lure them for use. Isn’t it a great chance of getting return while having no direct investment?


    • Use of social media & email campaign: All of know how strong the demand and popularity of social networks is! If you can market your products or the services though the social media (Facebook, twitter and etc.) you would find there is no other medium that can be considered best among the holiday marketing ideas. Here you do not have to directly invest money but the time. If you can do the promotion by yourself, you would lose no money but leaving this to experts will cost you little but the return would be unbelievable for sure. At the same time sending promotional emails to your existing customer base may return into one of the best holiday marketing ideas, provided your emails are precise and to the point focusing your offers of the season.


    • Christmas cards/ecards: Sending cards (now electronic cards) with greetings always bears good possibility of returning business for sure. For the convenience (saving time and money) people like to send beautiful ecards to the friends and relations of all kinds. So this is considered one of the best holiday marketing ideas But do not forget the printed cards still have the weight it had in past. You just have to find the best provider of print design services to get the printed season cards.


Well these are some of the best ploys or the holiday marketing ideas that can maximize your return on investment. Finally we can say that it is up to you in taking the right decision for the investment. A careful attitude towards selection of the service providers would certainly incur benefit to way. So what are you waiting for? Gather the holiday marketing ideas for the Christmas and New Year and start your campaign to success!

About the Author

This article on holiday marketing ideas is written by Mr. Joe Wilson Parker. He writes for Infowaylive, one of the best PHP developer India and works on all sorts of latest technologies. It is a one stop to hire web designer & developers who are expert and experienced in providing all kind of ecard design, web design and re-design and print design services.

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