Want to Close More Sales? Posture and the Close, Here’s How:

by WIMPmaster
Published on: October 19, 2012
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It is said that the close happens before you first speak to your prospect.  If you set the tone right up front the close is just a natural happening at the end of your presentation.  It comes from posture.  Here are three tips to keep your posture way up when sponsoring prospects.

First tip is, don’t ask the prospect to do you a favor and watch your presentation. Your not there to get them to do you favors. That puts them in the power position. You want to keep posture. You want to show them your business, but never ask for them to do you a favor. You are the one doing them a favor by showing them a lucrative income opportunity.

The second tip is to interview your prospect. Ask them if they have ever been in a network marketing business before. Have they ever owned their own business before? See if they are business minded. Ask them questions to see if they qualify for your time.

The third tip is about calling prospects back. If you are tiring to get someone to look at your business, how many times do you call them back after they fail to return a call or blow you off when you call? The answer is two. Call back two times or leave two messages. If the response is less than positive, cross them off of your list. This is not a manipulative technique, it is business. How many times would you call back a contractor that was going to do work on your home? Would you keep calling him and beg him to work on your home? This is a real business and you will be more successful looking for the people that want it.

I wish you all the success you are willing to work for.

Joe Sommese
TheNetworkBuilders com

About the Author

For more great training on how to grow your home based business, visit www.TheNetworkBuilders.com Also get your free Ebook, “20 Things You Must Know About Network Marketing”, Click Now!

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