Three Fast and Simple Suggestions to Increase Your Fan Base on Facebook

by WIMPmaster
Published on: September 25, 2012
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Three Fast and Simple Suggestions to Increase Your Fan Base on Facebook  

One of the most powerful marketing companies in the world, Facebook, is here to stay. No longer is it something that is considered to be a passing fad – is definitely more than that. Today it is where everyone engages-big corporations, independent contractors, Internet Marketers-they all have accounts and fan pages to help get the word out about their products and services. Making your fan page popular will not happen if you simply set up an account. It is important to increase the number of “likes” that you get in order to build your popularity. In this article we will teach you a few of the different things you can do to help that happen.

Make good use of the share button on Facebook. Every now and again, post an image or some form of content on your fan page and send it out to the people who are part of your fan base. Have them share whatever you sent out with the people in their network. New people will discover you this way and they might be encouraged to like your page. If your content is so good that people share it over and over again, imagine what the results would be. You could be enjoying the benefits of that single piece of content for weeks or even months.

You have to make sure that the address of your Facebook fan page is featured on all printed media you use in your business. Everything from fliers to letterheads should have the URL along with the rest of your details. This will show your offline clients that they can use your Facebook page to stay up to date with what you are doing.

This is a highly effective approach for clients who are reticent to sign up to an email list. This way they won’t have to worry about spam but can still keep tabs on you. Some people are very suspicious about these thing but it doesn’t mean that you will be sending them spam. This works for offline marketers and traditional brick and mortar businesses too.

Make sure that your email signature includes a link to your Facebook fan page. Your email signature might already be getting long with your contact info and your website URL. Still, one more line of URL for your Facebook page won’t take up a whole lot more room. It’s an excellent way to inform people that you use the social media platform and they can show their support by liking it. This approach will guarantee that the people you email with will learn of your page. Some people will “like” you simply because they like to “like” things! Facebook has quickly become an integral part of our culture. Some people once thought that Facebook would go the way of MySpace, yet it is here to stay as far as we can tell. If you want to amount to anything on the Internet, especially if you are an Internet Marketer, a Facebook fan page is something you have to have. Now you know what to do. Get a Facebook fan page and start having people “like” it using the many strategies we have presented. Good luck and may you be profitable!

About the Author

Cherise Rivardo is known for giving her audience a variety of content and is also famous for being a committed blogger. She has written on multiple topics including Article Marketing, online marketing, and network marketing. Checkout her article on zeek rewards and on empowernetwork training


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